
東洋器材(香港)有限公司 深圳代表処 開設のお知らせ

東洋器材(香港)有限公司 深圳代表処 開設のお知らせ

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この度、東洋器材株式会社の子会社である東洋器材(香港)有限公司では、 業容の拡大とお取引先様へ更なるサポート体制の拡充を見据え、 2022 年 8 月に東洋器材(香港)有限公司 深圳代表処の企業登記を完了し、2023年より業務を開始致しました。

社員一同気持ちを新たに、「満足の追求、期待の探求」という企業理念のもと、より良い サービスの向上に努めてまいりますので、今後ともご愛顧を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。

■東洋器材(香港)有限公司 深圳代表処 開設の概要
(名 称)
 東洋器材(香港)有限公司 深圳代表処
(住 所)
広東省深圳市深南東路5002号 信興広場 地王大厦5553(55階)


Transfer of Personnel at 1st August, 2021

Thank you for your continuous support to our company.

We are glad to announce the appointment of new general manager of our company.

With effect from 1st August, 2021, Mr. KAWARADA JUNICHI will be promoted to General Manger.
Within his years of services, we are looking forward to a continuance of our cordial relationship,
and we want to extend to you our very best wishes for your every success.


To our business partners
Due to the influence of the new coronavirus, we will work at home from February 24 to 28 to prevent the spread of infection.
Each member can operate the PC, so we can check the email.
In addition, we are usually open for logistics.
Sorry to trouble you,
If you are in a hurry, please contact each person in charge.

Transfer of Personnel at 1st August, 2018

Thank you for your continuous support to our company. We are glad to announce the appointment of new general manager of our company.

Also, we are pleased to announce that Mr. Hiroki Uenaka will be transfer to TOYO KIZAI CO., LIMITED. We will like to express our sincere thanks to his valued contribution and support.

With effect from 1st August, 2018, Mr. Shotaro Yamada will be promoted to General Manger. Within his years of services, we are looking forward to a continuance of our cordial relationship, and we want to extend to you our very best wishes for your every success.

Transfer of Personnel at 1st August, 2016

Thank you for your continuous support to our company. We are glad to announce the appointment of new general manager of our company.

Also, we are pleased to announce that Mr. Takayuki Kimura will be transfer to TOYO KIZAI CO., LIMITED. We will like to express our sincere thanks to his valued contribution and support.

With effect from 1st August, 2016, Mr. Hiroki Uenaka will be promoted to General Manger. Within his years of services, we are looking forward to a continuance of our cordial relationship, and we want to extend to you our very best wishes for your every success.